Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Malaysian Signature Food

            Malaysian cuisine reflects the multicultural aspects in Malaysia. Various ethnic group in Malaysia have their own dishes, but many dishes in Malaysia are derived from multiple ethnic influences. Food preparations differs from place to place, although many of the foods used are alike. Aromatic herbs are frequently used in Malaysian cuisine

           Rice is a staple food for Asians, carbohydrates in particular, which includes Malaysia as well. Here in Malaysia,aside from steaming the rice plainly,  Malaysian steam it together with coconut milk,served together with fried anchovies,peanuts sliced cucumber , hard boiled eggs and a spicy chilli paste(sambal). we commonly address it as Nasi Lemak. For a more substantial variety, it can be served with many types of curries,or a spicy meat stew,or even seafood.But do not confuse it as nasi dagang, which are commonly found side by side for a breakfast choice in the eastern coast of  Peninsula Malaysia.

         Noodles are another popular food,particularly in Malaysian Chinese cuisine, but used by other races as well. Noodles such as Bi Hoon(rice vermicelli),Mee and Mee Suah(wheat vermicelli) are an alternative source of carbohydrates besides the ubiquitous serving of rice that accompanies every meal.

         Malaysia's climate allows fruit to be grown all year round. Most tropical fruits are either grown locally or imported from the neighbouring countries.the demand for fruits in Malaysia are generally high all year round..some notable fruits include
  • the durian, a fruit with spiky outer shell and a characteristics fragrance is a local tropical fruit that is notable because it provokes strong emotions of either loving it or hating it it is also known as King of the fruits.
  • the lychee,which have a bumpy red skin and sweet,sometimes made with tea to make it sweet, it is sold all year round as in have no seasons like durian.
  • the longan, which name translate to "dragon eye" in Chinese, and is called mata kucing locally(cat's eye, in literal) and it is similar to lychee.

    next up, a post related to cuisines according to race's favoritism .

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